Photography & Prose: Joseph Dinki

Kuan Yin Symbolism
In Chinese mythology, Guanyin (觀音) is the goddess of mercy and considered to be the physical embodiment of compassion. She is an all-seeing, all-hearing being who is called upon by worshipers in times of uncertainty, despair, and fear. ~ Wikipedia
Kuan Yin or Quan Yin is a shortened form of a name that means One Who Sees and Hears the Cry from the Human World.

Decaying Heart
Joseph Dinki
Awakened, I am part of raging solace in the cycle of brotherhood and redemption…
Am I a spire, spiked and marked to die, godless and alone?
It only seems so…
A trance and a dream are both the same. Yet, one is a lucid waking, walking truth, the other recurs from birth — a shimmering ephemeral revelation of answers that escape me as I awake…
Within both…
I reach in errantly with belief in mysteries and all unseen….
I shout at the edge of industry and commerce, but only heed their children’s head and tail lights as they streak by this night…
A trillion synapse have they to knit from brow to toe, yet not one takes responsibility for where they lead…
Mired in grime and marred beyond recognition, my arms and legs still function so…
Extended so, on this run, of offerings burnt; of dust upon the ashes of my soul.
I stand full, the water of life, yet no thirst is slaked…
Guided by the fool I was, sparked from dreams and consequences long since faded…
The man I became longs for the rhythm of the Saints to pulse my being beyond recognition….
Onward, my decaying heart…
May you beat an eternity…
©2023 Joe Dinki #dinki
Joe Dinki has been writing unique forms of poetry since he was able to use a pencil. His works drew early attention through his school days and beyond. Known as “Buffalo’s Poet” in his hometown, Mr.Dinki’s talents extended to Network and Cable Television Comedy and Reality programming in New York City which he considers his second home having lived in the New York City area for over 35 years. He has thousands of followers both domestic and international through viral exposure such as his “Teacher, Fool and Foreman” pages on various platforms. A working Voice Over Artist, Mr.Dinki often speaks his written words with sincerity, humour and accessibility. Feel free to give a listen…