Photo Collage: Gary Lippman

Journalist, author, and visual artist, Gary Lippman, writes for The New York Times, The Paris Review, VICE, Open City, Sex And Design, and Fodors Travel Guides. His first play, Paradox Lust, was produced off-Broadway in 2001, the Naked Angels Theatre Company workshopped Lippman’s second work for the stage, Fiber Head. He produced the film Vinyl in 2012, and his debut novel Set the Controls for the Heart of Sharon Tate was published by Rare Bird Books in 2019. In July 2022, Lippman released his second book “We Loved The World But Could Not Stay”, a collection of microfiction.
Having lived in Illinois, Florida, California, and France, Lippman can now be found in what used to be called “Fun City” with his Hungarian wife Vera and his whenever-he’s-inclined-to-visit adult son Gabriel.
Photography and collage are two other pleasures for Lippman, his visual art can be seen at
Bel article, je l’ai partagé avec mes amis.
Spectacular exhibit! Looking forward to seeing it up close! And hearing Joe Dinki reading his poetry and monologues!
Hopefully I can join in and read with you all.